The best waste is the waste we don't generate. With this in mind, the Bruche Valley Tourist Office is launching the Hel'eau la Bruche initiative. The aim is to offer passers-by, walkers, cyclists, etc. the chance to replenish their water supplies in reusable containers.

In keeping with our motto "L'accueil est dans notre nature" (Welcome is in our nature), isn't the first gesture of hospitality to offer water to passing visitors?

Discover the network of geolocated water points where visitors can fill their water bottles free of charge during opening hours in public places or, depending on availability, from local residents, thus creating a "water chain" in the Bruche.

Where can I fill up my water bottle?

  • I'm looking for

    An individual An individual
    A city hall A city hall
    A shop or a museum A shop or a museum
    A fountain A fountain

Where can I fill up my water bottle?

  • I'm looking for

    An individual An individual
    A city hall A city hall
    A shop or a museum A shop or a museum
    A fountain A fountain