In spring
The first buds, the first fragrances and nature comes to life again. Be the first to set off on the trails and get out your bikes. Welcome to the big garden of Alsace!
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Hiking trail B01: The vineyard hills
Hiking trail B01: The vineyard hills
Duration Half-day Length Vertical rise Difficulty Challenging Departing from Barembach
From a use of low plots creating an open almost landscaped setting, the territory underwent a gradual abandon of terraced meadows and the bottom of the valley then harvested areas.
Outdoor stroller circuit CDF01 : From the cross of Jacques to La Drille
Outdoor stroller circuit CDF01 : From the cross of Jacques to La Drille
Duration 1h Length 3,9 Km Vertical rise 59 m Difficulty Easy Departing from Bellefosse
With this short walk of almost 4 km round trip, set off to discover the charming village of Bellefosse and the surrounding green landscapes.
Hiking trail CDF15 : The-tour-of-the-ban-de-la-Roche-through-the-Hauts-Bois
Hiking trail CDF15 : The-tour-of-the-ban-de-la-Roche-through-the-Hauts-Bois
Duration 3h30 Length 9,5 Km Vertical rise 264 m Difficulty Easy Departing from Bellefosse
With this walk, set off to discover Ban de la Roche and its castle. On the other side, stop at the Promont farm inn before continuing your walk towards Hauts-Bois and your starting point.
Permanent introductory orienteering course: Princess Emma sector
Permanent introductory orienteering course: Princess Emma sector
Duration 1h30 min Length 2 Km Difficulty Easy Departing from Belmont
Pour ceux qui aiment les vrai challenges : testez ces jeux de piste grandeur nature en pleine forêt , ouvrez les yeux, observer, trouvez les balises...
Treasure hunt the Champ du Feu
Treasure hunt the Champ du Feu
Duration 2h Length Difficulty Easy Departing from Belmont
Visit Champ du Feu with your family and have fun! This fun-filled outing takes you through grasslands and forests on a route packed with riddles.
Outdoor stroller circuit H02: the Hang Clearing
Outdoor stroller circuit H02: the Hang Clearing
Duration 3h Length 7,5 Km Vertical rise 175 m Difficulty Intermediate Departing from Bourg Bruche
Cette très belle promenade vous emmène découvrir la source de la Bruche au pied de la célèbre montagne du Climont.
Hiking trail H01: Le Climont and the glade of Hang
Hiking trail H01: Le Climont and the glade of Hang
Duration Half-day Length 11 Km Vertical rise 289 m Difficulty Intermediate Departing from Bourg Bruche
This walk snakes through a haven of peace and quiet The source of the Bruche is at an altitude of 660m then it runs through a vast basin, the Hang clearing.
Outdoor stroller circuit H05 : From the bottom to the top Sommerhof
Outdoor stroller circuit H05 : From the bottom to the top Sommerhof
Duration 2h30 min Length 7 Km Vertical rise 143 m Difficulty Easy Departing from Bourg Bruche
Set off to explore this vast meadow surrounded by forests and crisscrossed with small streams. This walk will take you where nature flows naturally.
Hiking trail H03 : The port of Stampoumont
Hiking trail H03 : The port of Stampoumont
Duration Half-day Length 9 Km Vertical rise 260 m Difficulty Easy Departing from Colroy la Roche
Stampoumont vaste plateau situé sous le Grand Alhan offre l'un des plus beaux témoignages de l’architecture rurale vosgienne.
Hiking trail C02: The Oberlin Trail
Hiking trail C02: The Oberlin Trail
Duration 2h30 min Length Vertical rise Difficulty Easy Departing from Fouday
A trip through the heart of the Ban-de-la-Roche area, in the footsteps of
the famous 18th-century pastor and
educator, Jean Frédéric Oberlin.
Hiking trail D03: Befestigte Positionen nördlich des Donon
Hiking trail D03: Befestigte Positionen nördlich des Donon
Duration Half-day Length Vertical rise Difficulty Intermediate Departing from Grandfontaine
The Donon and its surroundings marked the border between France and the German Empire making it the scene for violent combat from August 1914.
Hiking trail D08: From the Donon to the Chaume de Requival
Hiking trail D08: From the Donon to the Chaume de Requival
Duration All day Length 17 Km Vertical rise 514 m Difficulty Challenging Departing from Grandfontaine
This hike is a magical route!